I was in college and broke as fuck. I didn’t know how I was going to pay my rent next month. My rent was $900 – a laughable amount compared to the $4,000 I pay now. But back then it was a lot for me. My on-campus job barely covered my essentials and my short-lived stint as a waitress was a disaster. I think I lasted for about five shifts before I quit.

Asking my mom for money wasn’t an option—she didn’t have any and my dad had been out of the picture for a long time. It wasn’t until I came across a girl on Tumblr raving about how lucrative escorting was that the idea even crossed my mind. Without thinking twice about it, I Googled escort agencies in my city and emailed the first one that popped up. Less than a week later, I had my photos taken for their website, and just like that, I was officially an escort. Looking back now, I can’t believe I didn’t do more research, but somehow it all worked out.

That summer, I juggled working full-time at my college during the day and escorting at nights. I’d come home, quickly get ready, and head out to my bookings. I’d usually return home around 2 a.m., exhausted.

As tired as I was, there was something comforting about those late nights. I’d treat myself to McDonald’s, put on my favorite show—Impractical Jokers or Modern Family at the time—and laugh myself to sleep. Those little moments became my routine for that summer.

The amount of money I made blew my mind. I didn’t know it was possible for a college student to make this much money. It wasn’t easy money but it was fast money. And it changed my life.

Aside from the cash, my favorite part of working for the agency was the drivers. Drivers would pick you up from your house, drive you to your bookings and drop you back off at home. I especially bonded with one driver—we’ll call him Alan. From the first day in his car, everything clicked. We just understood each other.

I’d always try to make sure Alan was my driver, and he’d try his best too. Alan would drive high on marijuana every night which was definitely illegal lol, but I always felt safe with him.

Full disclosure, Alan did ask me out once. I politely declined, and after that minor speed bump, we went right back to being friends like nothing had happened. He made tough nights easier and good nights even better.

Sometimes I think about reaching out to him, to thank him for always being so kind to me and to see how he’s doing, but I don’t have any of his information anymore.

After that summer, school started again, and I shifted my focus back to my studies, working for the agency a lot less. Then COVID hit. It was pretty scary. COVID wasn’t an easy time for me, or anyone. I had gone through a breakup and was extremely isolated. But in that solitude, I found purpose. I started planning my launch of Anna. I didn’t want to work at the agency anymore, so I learned how to create a website and laid the groundwork to launch as an independent escort.

When I got my first COVID vaccine, I started seeing clients. At the same time, I was prioritizing my career in the corporate world. For a couple of years, I juggled both—balancing life as Anna while also working full-time corporate jobs. But the corporate world left me uninspired and drained, it wasn’t for me (a blog post for another day). I realized that I really enjoyed being Anna and that I was pretty good at it.

Making people feel good has always been my gift, even if it sometimes comes at the expense of my own energy.

Now, I’ve been Anna on and off for five years. It’s been a wild journey, filled with more stories (and cash hehe) than I can count. I don’t know how long I’ll be Anna for, but right now I couldn’t ask for a better life.

Thanks for reading!


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